Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Volunteering - your new career?

Have you considered volunteering?  If you have retired from full-time work, or if you are looking for a career change or a new job, it can be a great way to develop new skills or apply your existing skills in a new area and extend your professional and social networks at the same time.

Some people go on to develop a “second career” as a volunteer after retiring from full-time work, finding it gives their life more structure and purpose.  A life of leisure may sound good in theory but may prove to be a difficult adjustment after decades of working hard, and volunteering can be scheduled to suit the time available so it fits in with your other interests and commitments.

Many workplaces now encourage their paid employees to participate in volunteering activities, and may support this with paid leave -- viewing this as an effective and popular type of corporate social responsibility program.  And of course most not-for-profit organisations rely very heavily on volunteers to be able to provide their services.

Whether it’s one morning each week or less locally, or intensive overseas trips and longer term placements, there are opportunities to work and travel as a volunteer with people in need, in emergencies, in community and sporting activities, with animals, the natural environment, historic buildings and more in many different ways.

Find out more and see the helpful website links to volunteering organisations on our News page.

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